St Joseph's Medical Center Graduate Medical Education’s commitment to
diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has at its foundation a deliberate and intentional
focus centered on education, health, and balance for its resident and student learners, faculty and employees, and especially the patients in our community.
Our GME program has established a DEI committee and this program recognizes the importance of establishing high ground objectives and principles across all facets of training and continuously strives to assure we recruit and retain a diverse cohort of residents, fellows, and faculty to our institution.
We recognize the rich mosaic of our community and seek to serve our patients with awareness, and sensitivity, and without bias.
As our DEI statements and resulting initiatives evolve into policy, SJMC/GME is committed
to the continuous review of our mission to reflect in the training of our residents which
will directly impact the practice of medicine here at SJMC and the care of our community.