Clinical Faculty

  • Denise Ammon


    MedicalSchool: Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA

    Residency: Kings County Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY

    Hi, my name is Denise Ammon and I'm the AMD for Joes! I go by Dr Ammon, DAMMON, Denise, DNyce, Queen of the Night Shift, BB (story for another time). Born and raised in the Bay Area but did Medical School in N'awlins (Tulane) and Residency in Brooklyn at Kings County. My main interests in Emergency Medicine besides providing the best care to my patients include critical care, operations, wellness, and women in medicine. My motto is ABD... always be discharging but that's sometimes hard at Joes because our patients are SICK. My other motto is work hard, but play harder!

    Outside interests when I'm not working include dogs (RIP Nola), traveling, wine, good eats, more wine, outdoors, some more wine, reality TV, winning social media contests and SLEEP.

  • Emily O'Donnell


    Medical School: Medical University of the Americas

    Residency: St. Joseph's Medical Center

  • Hillary Judnarine, MD


    Medical School: AUA

    Residency: St. Joseph's Medical Center

    I am passionate about blending education with clinical practice to inspire future BAFERDs. When I'm not in the emergency department, I enjoy family adventures with our dog, Chewie (Chewbacca-I'm a big Star Wars enthusiast), winery or brewery hopping, traveling locally and abroad, and experimenting with sourdough-though not all loaves rise like the Resistance! Originally from the Southeast, I called Florida home before moving to California for my residency. Whether I'm saving lives or baking bread, I tackle each challenge with a smile and a bit of humor!

  • Kyle Hill, DO


    MedicalSchool: Kansas City University of Medicine

    Residency: St. Joseph's Medical Center

    Fellowship: Ultrasound at St. Joseph's Medical Center

  • Anne Walker, MD, FAWM, DiMM


    Medical School: St. George’s University, Grenada

    Residency: University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD

    Fellowship: Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA–Wilderness Medicine

    I’m Dr. Walker! I have been a staff physician for multiple ultramarathons in austere locations around the world. I also have a special academic interest in altitude medicine as well as environmental injuries.

    In my spare time you can find me backpacking, biking or hiking with my black lab.

  • Zachary Haberman, MD

    Medical School: University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, LA, CA

    Residency: LA County+USC Medical Center

    I grew up in Concord, Massachusetts, but after watching the hit TV show The OC in high school, I decided that Cali life was for me and went to Pomona College, where I played outfield on the baseball team and majored in Neuroscience. Realizing I missed the snow, I then accomplished one of my life goals of being a ski bum and moved to Aspen, CO and worked as a medical tech at the bottom of the ski mountain. Sometimes dreams take sacrifices: the few months prior to my job as a "SkEMT", I made ends meet working as a Subway Mascot and dressed up as a giant sandwich, giving away "Buy One, Get One Free" 6 Inch Sub coupons outside of the store. Next, I moved back to SoCal and went to USC for med school and LA County + USC for residency. Finally, I found the perfect mix of sun, snow and awesome people, moving up north to work at Joe's.

    Outside of work, you can find me catching first chair on a powder day in Tahoe, cheering on the Patriots and Trojans, traveling off the beaten track, and discovering the best cheap eats the Bay has to offer.

  • Doug DeMartinis, MD

    Medical School: University of California , Irvine

    Residency: San Joaquin General Hospital

    One of our original clinical faculty at St Joe’s and a true legend in EM. He is a deep well of EM knowledge and experience and someone anyone can turn to for advice and difficult cases. Always a kind word and pearls of wisdom.

    Doug is also our Cerner Guru, our guy for all the tips and tricks to navigate our tricksy EMR.

  • Douglas Malcolm, MD, JD

    Medical School: University of Utah School of Medicine

    Residency: Kern Medical Center, Bakersfield, CA

    Doug also is a practicing Attorney in California, and has knowledge and experience on risk management and medico-legal matters

    He also splits his time practicing critical care medicine as he is working toward his Neuro-Critical care board certification.

    You can usually find him living on (and restoring) one of his many boats if he is not in the ED or the ICU.

  • Romaine S. Sangha, MD

    Medical School: Ross University School of Medicine

    Residency: University of Nebraska Medical Center - Omaha

    Sangha splits his time between Joe’s, Omaha and the wilds of the Great White North (Canada); this means unfortunately we don’t get as much of him as we would like.

    one of the nicest, funniest, (and slightly crazy) attendings we have but we can’t have favorites (can we?) - there is a dog, and sometimes hand puppets, and always memes and videos when you need them most. oh, and he’s a pretty smart doctor too…