Our Supporting Staff

  • Saychai (Sai) Choeurn


    I have been with St Joe’s for nearly 20 years. I started as a registration clerk in the admitting department. After a couple years I took a position in the emergency department as a unit clerk. After years and years on night shift, I decided that I needed a change. I couldn’t decide if I really wanted to leave the ED because the ED was my home for so many years. When I found out that the EM program needed a new coordinator, I didn’t think twice. It was a blessing in disguise. It was an easy choice and is only few steps across the street.

    Outside of the ED, I enjoy camping at the beach, biking along the coast, and savoring good quality foods. I spoil my residents as if they are my own children.

  • Sherri Tolentino


    I began my career as a temporary Medical Assistant with Kaiser  Permanente. After my position ended, I was hired in the Admitting Department at St. Joseph’s and have been here for the last 25 years. My experience expanded to becoming the Unit Clerk all over the hospital, including the Surgery Department and the Emergency Department for the last 10 years. I loved my job in the emergency room and I felt it was my second home.  I enjoyed working with the providers, nurses and all ancillary staff in the emergency room.  I am excited to bring my experience to the GME EM program and continue to work aside our doctors and residents.  Outside of work, I try to spend as much time as I can with my two beautiful adult children and their families. Along with spending time with  my granddaughter, I do my best to stay active and I am a cheer coach for a pop warner team.

  • Russell Garcia


    Education: Kinesiology (Exercise Science), California State University, Sacramento,CA

    Experience: My foray into medicine started in high school when I tore my labrum in swimming and had to do physical therapy. The therapists that treated me were young athletic PTs that really put me through my paces! After that I started my journey with a Sports Medicine internship at Santa Rosa Junior College, then transferred to Sac State to complete my degree in Kinesiology. From there my career took many different forms - Ergonomist, Sports Performance Coach, EMT/Firefighter, Emergency Room Technician. In each of these positions I learned, then taught the skills. Rarely did I have one job until I was married with kids!

    I’m very excited to bring my skills and experience to the GME program at St. Joseph's. Having the opportunity to share all that with the residents and help them be prepared for the world of medicine is a dream come true.

    My hobbies include BBQ, camping, offroading, cycling, coaching sports performance, hunting and fishing. And when I can get a hold of them, I make furniture out of wine barrels. Last but not by any means least, I have a beautiful wife and two little girls that are my world. As of right now, the girls still like me so we do as much as we can as a family.