Simulation Medicine
Our simulation team is dedicated to bringing real world experiences to life for our residents, students, and faculty. Simulation is an important adjunct to the high level of clinical pathology that our residents see during training and offers an additional avenue for them to practice skills and drills to solidify this knowledge.
We have 2 main high fidelity AV simulation rooms with control room as well as expansion capabilities into 2 additional spaces when we need it. We have several hi-fidelity mannequins including Sim-Man, SIM child and baby, and a pregnant woman, as well as several task-trainers, and other simulation modalities to facilitate training.
In addition to our 2 simulation fellowship trained faculty, we have a SIM manager/ghost who brings over 6 years of simulation experience. Our faculty are also very engaged and have become very experienced in participating in our simulation education experiences.
We run SIM and small groups teaching sessions typically 2-3 times per month as part of our regular didactics, alternating with, and at times combines with US teaching.
Simulation Track
We are excited to announce the launch of St. Joseph’s Simulation Track. The purpose of this program is to allow Emergency Medicine residents a long term means to engage in Simulation throughout their residency training.
The track is open to any resident who has an interest in Simulation, whether they want to learn more about the field or if they already know they want to become a Simulationist.
The Simulation Track will provide a medical education foundation and foster teaching skills that can be incorporated into the resident’s future work as an EM Physician and/or EM Simulationist.
Through the Simulation Track, residents will be exposed to the fundamentals of simulation along with have an opportunity to develop a capstone project. They will gain skills in simulation case development, debriefing, curriculum design, simulation task trainer model creation, QI project developments, and Mock in Situ Hospital Codes.
Meet the team
Matthew Kiefer, MD
Emergency Medicine Simulation Director
Simulation Fellowship Director
Russell Garcia, BS, CAE, EMT, CSCS
GME Simulation Manager